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What Can We Celebrate Together 1st Friday Of 2022?


fridayHappy Friday y’all!!! We made it 😮‍💨🙌🏾 to the 1st Friday of 2022. The beginning of a new year, and a new week. 

In my first week of 2022, I have accomplished the following, 

– Listed activities that I used to do and need to quit because they no longer serve me. 

– Listed revenue channels that I want to focus on for both my music production company at Priyanka Lalwani Music and marketing agency Precise Persona

– Filled up my calendar with exciting new opportunities.

– Added more breaks intentionally into my routine. 

What did you accomplish on 1st friday of this year that we can celebrate and encourage?

#2022goals #goals #newyear #clarity #habits #leadership #tgif

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